Updating the AER’s Retail Exempt Selling Guideline

May 5, 2022


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During May of 2021, the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) undertook an initial consultation of the AER (Retail) Exempt Selling Guideline, alongside the Electricity Network Service Provider – Registration Exemption Guideline.

The resulting Draft Retail Exempt Selling Guideline (version 6) was published on the 9th of March 2022 for public consultation. The Draft details a range of specific updates that provide improved clarity throughout the document to exempt sellers, including commentary on bulk chilled and hot water. Additions to the guideline include a condition pertaining to Hardship Policies, the requirement to provide an AER Customer Fact Sheet, and clarity on Individual exemptions and retrofit requirements. A series of variations have also been made to existing exemption conditions including Concessions, Dispute Resolution, under/overcharging, obligation and continuity of supply.

As the first major update since the existing (version 5) document was published in 2018, this update will impact the obligations of existing network operators and the requirements of those new to the market.

For assistance with compliance audits on these new recommendations for your existing or future Embedded Network, reach out to our experienced and professional team for an informed conversation in readiness for their release through mid to late 2022.

You can access a copy of the AER's Draft Retail Exempt Selling Guideline HERE

Accompanying the Draft Guide, the AER has also published their Notice of Draft Instrument document, which you can access HERE

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